Welcome to the Travel To Jordan Tour website. By using our services, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions outlined below. Please read these terms carefully before proceeding with any bookings or transactions on our site.


1. **Booking Confirmation and Payment**:

   – All tour bookings are subject to availability and confirmation.

   – To secure your reservation, a deposit or full payment may be required, depending on the tour package.

   – Payment methods accepted are credit cards, bank transfers, or other payment options specified on the website.

   – In the case of a booking made close to the tour date, full payment is required upfront.


2. **Cancellations and Refunds**:

   – Cancellation for any service must be done before 48 hours 

   – If you need to cancel your booking, please refer to the specific cancellation policy provided during the booking process.

   – Full Refunds, is applicable, if the cancelliation done 48 hours before the trip.  \ service date. 


3. **Travel Insurance**:

   – We strongly recommend that all travelers purchase comprehensive travel insurance before embarking on any tour to Jordan.

   – Travel insurance should cover trip cancellations, medical emergencies, baggage loss, and other unforeseen circumstances.


4. **Passports and Visas**:

   – It is the traveler’s responsibility to ensure they possess a valid passport with at least six months’ validity from the date of entry into Jordan.

   – Tourists must obtain the necessary visas for entry into Jordan, which may vary depending on their nationality. Please check visa requirements before booking.


5. **Health and Safety**:

   – Travelers should review any health advisories and recommended vaccinations for visiting Jordan.

   – While we strive to provide safe tours, travelers participate at their own risk, and we are not liable for any injury, illness, or loss incurred during the trip.


6. **Itinerary Changes**:

   – While we endeavor to adhere to the planned itinerary, circumstances beyond our control may necessitate itinerary changes.

   – In the event of such changes, we will make every effort to offer comparable alternatives.


7. **Travel Documents**:

   – Travelers are responsible for carrying all necessary travel documents, including tour vouchers, flight tickets, and identification.


8. **Conduct and Behavior**:

   – Travelers are expected to behave respectfully towards fellow travelers, tour guides, and locals during the trip.

   – We reserve the right to terminate the tour of any participant whose behavior is deemed disruptive or offensive without any refund.


9. **Photography and Marketing**:

   – By participating in our tours, travelers agree to allow the use of their images in promotional materials or social media unless explicitly stated otherwise.


10. **Limitation of Liability**:

   – Travel To Jordan Tour shall not be held liable for any loss, injury, damage, or delay caused by any third-party service provider or force majeure events.


11. **Governing Law**:

   – These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Jordan.


By using our website and services, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, please refrain from using our website or booking any tours through us. For any questions or clarifications, please contact us via the provided contact information on the website.

TTJ stripe payment