The Great Pilgrimage

6 Days

Embark on a profound and soul-enriching Christian pilgrimage through the holy lands of Jordan, Israel, and Palestine. This transformative journey will take you on a sacred path, tracing the footsteps of biblical figures and exploring significant religious sites of Christianity. From the tranquil shores of the Jordan River to the vibrant streets of Jerusalem and the revered landmarks of Bethlehem, this pilgrimage promises an unforgettable encounter with the roots of your faith. Led by experienced guides and immersed in the rich cultural tapestry of the region, this spiritual odyssey will ignite your heart and spirit, leaving you with a deep sense of spiritual renewal and connection to the sacred history that binds these lands together.


In the footsteps of prophets and disciples, we invite you to join us on a pilgrimage of faith that will traverse the heart of history. This extraordinary journey through Jordan, Israel, and Palestine beckons to those seeking a deeper connection to their Christian heritage, where every step is a testament to the unwavering devotion of generations past. We will walk the paths of Jesus, stand where miracles unfolded, and find inspiration in the stories that have shaped the lives of millions. Together, we will explore the ancient landscapes and sacred sites that resonate with the spirit of Christianity, forging unforgettable memories and encounters that will forever transform your understanding of faith.

Trip Highlights

  • Explore the vibrant capital city of Jordan
  • Visit this beautiful church perched on Mount Al-Makhrour
  • Visit this ancient site believed to be the cave where Prophet Elijah
  • Explore the "City of Mosaics," known for its stunning Byzantine and Umayyad mosaic artworks
  • Stand where Moses is said to have seen the Promised Land
  • Discover the historical fortress where John the Baptist was imprisoned
  • Journey to the site where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist
  • Marvel at the ancient city of Petra, a UNESCO World Heritage Site
  • Embark on a one-day visit to Jerusalem
  • Experience the birthplace of Jesus in Bethlehem and visit the Church of the Nativity


— Arrive in Amman, Jordan’s capital city, and transfer to your hotel.

— Enjoy the evening at your leisure, exploring the local markets and soaking in the atmosphere of this lively city.

Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

— After breakfast, depart for the Church of Our Lady in the Mountain, located in Anjara.

— Explore the church and its surroundings, which is believed to be one of the stops made by Jesus during his journeys.

— Proceed to Tal Mar Elias, a historic Christian pilgrimage site, and visit the monastery.

— Return to Amman for the night.

Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

— Leave Amman and head to Madaba, known for its ancient mosaics.

— Visit the famous Madaba Map at St. George’s Church, which depicts the Holy Land.

— Continue to Mount Nebo, where Moses is said to have seen the Promised Land before his death.

— Afterward, visit the Baptism Site on the Jordan River, believed to be where Jesus was baptized.

— Discover the ancient ruins of Machaerus, where John the Baptist was imprisoned.

— Return to Amman for the night.


Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

— Depart from Amman and travel south to the mesmerizing city of Petra.

— Spend the day exploring the ancient Nabatean city, including highlights like the Treasury, the Monastery, and the Royal Tombs.

— Enjoy a traditional Jordanian dinner in Petra and spend the night in a hotel nearby.


Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

— Cross the border into Israel

— Transfer to Jerusalem and visit the Mount of Olives for a panoramic view of the city.

— Explore its sacred sites, and visit the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, the holiest Christian site, encompassing the sites of Jesus’ crucifixion and burial.

— Enjoy lunch in one of the best local. restaurants in the old city of  Jerusalem

— Journey to Bethlehem and visit the Church of the Nativity, commemorating the birthplace of Jesus.

— Return to Amman in the evening. or extend your trip for one more day in Jerusalem

Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

— Bid farewell to the holy lands as you depart from Amman, carrying cherished memories and spiritual experiences from this remarkable journey.

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The Great Pilgrimage

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