The Holy Land Tour

6 Days

Jordan, a land steeped in history, where ancient ruins whisper tales of civilizations past, and natural wonders leave you breathless. As you step foot in the vibrant capital city of Amman, you’ll find yourself surrounded by a delightful fusion of tradition and modernity. The city’s bustling streets are alive with the rhythm of daily life, as aromatic spices waft through the air, and vibrant markets beckon you to explore their hidden treasures. But beyond the energetic pulse of Amman lies a world of religious significance and cultural heritage, waiting to be discovered. Join us on a journey that will transport you through time, from the sacred Church of Our Lady in the Mountain to the hallowed grounds of the Baptism Site, and from the ancient city of Madaba to the majestic heights of Mount Nebo. Prepare to be enchanted by Jordan’s wonders as we unveil its hidden gems and guide you through a tapestry of captivating stories and unforgettable moments.


Embark on a captivating journey through the ancient wonders and breathtaking landscapes of Jordan. This carefully curated itinerary will take you on an adventure spanning the vibrant capital city of Amman, the sacred sites of Christianity, and the historical gems nestled amidst Jordan’s stunning scenery. From exploring the bustling streets of Amman to standing in awe before intricate mosaic masterpieces, from tracing the footsteps of biblical figures at the Baptism Site to gazing upon the panoramic views from Mount Nebo, this trip promises an unforgettable experience. Immerse yourself in the rich history, warm hospitality, and captivating beauty of Jordan as you uncover the secrets of this remarkable land.

Trip Highlights

  • Ancient Amman: Immerse yourself in the blend of old and new in the bustling capital city of Amman.
  • Explore the Church of Our Lady in the Mountain (one of the stops made by Jesus during his journeys.)
  • Explore Tal Mar Elias, a historic Christian pilgrimage site
  • Ascend Mount Nebo, a biblical site where Moses is said to have seen the Promised Land.
  • Experience the serenity of the Baptism Site on the Jordan River
  • Immerse yourself in the vibrant culture and warm hospitality that define Jordan's charm.


— Arrive at Queen Alia International Airport in Amman.

— Transfer to your hotel and check-in.

— Take the rest of the day to relax and explore the local area.

Hotel Stay

— Begin the day with a guided city tour of Amman.

— Visit the Roman Theatre, a well-preserved amphitheater dating back to the 2nd century.

— Explore the Amman Archaeological Museum to learn about Jordan’s rich history.

— Stroll through the vibrant downtown area known as Al-Balad and explore its traditional markets.

— In the evening, dine at a local restaurant and experience authentic Jordanian cuisine.

Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

— Depart from Amman and head towards the Church of Our Lady in the Mountain.

— Explore this beautiful hilltop church, known for its panoramic views of Amman.

— Continue to Tal Mar Elias, a small village known for its ancient Christian ruins.

— Visit the Monastery of St. Elijah and discover its historical significance.

— Return to Amman and spend the evening at leisure

Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

— Depart from Amman and drive to the city of Madaba, known as the “City of Mosaics.”

— Visit St. George’s Church, which houses the famous 6th-century mosaic map of the Holy Land.

— Explore the Madaba Archaeological Park to see additional mosaic artworks.

— Continue the journey to the Baptism Site (Bethany Beyond the Jordan), where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist.

— Afterward, proceed to Mount Nebo, the biblical site from which Moses saw the Promised Land.

— Enjoy breathtaking views of the Jordan Valley, the Dead Sea, and the surrounding landscapes.

— Live the story of John the Baptist’s imprisonment and execution in Machaerus

— Return to Amman and overnight at your hotel.

Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay

No trip to Jordan is completed without visiting Petra.

—  Depart from Amman and drive to Petra in the early morning 

— The journey to Petra begins with a walk through the Siq,

— Explore the Treasury (Al-Khazneh): One of Petra’s most iconic and famous landmarks

— Explore the other iconic places like the Street of Facades, The Theater, The Monastery (Ad-Deir). The High Place of Sacrifice, Royal Tombs:, The Great Temple

— Witness the sunset at Petra

Petra by Night: On specific evenings, Petra hosts a special event called “Petra by Night,” where the Siq and the Treasury are illuminated with thousands of candles, providing a magical and mystical ambiance.

Breakfast, Dinner
Hotel Stay
Day 6 :

— Check out from your hotel in Amman.

— Transfer to Queen Alia International Airport for your departure / Or if you choose to expand your trip by one day to visit  Jerusalem and Bethlehem transfer to  Allenby bridge ( Jordan – Israel boarders )


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The Holy Land Tour

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